What do I look like |
What do I do in everyday life |
What language do I speak |
- A cow : une vache
A calf (pluriel calves ) : un veau
- The cow gives milk.
- The farmer milks (to milk : traire) the cow with his hands or a milking machine (une trayeuse).
- Dairy produce (les produits laitiers) is made from the cow's milk.
- An ox (pluriel : oxen) : un boeuf
- Oxen are bred for their flesh (Nota : The meet coming from the ox is called "beef").
- A bull : un taureau
- We are horned animals (bêtes à cornes).
- Together, we constitute the cattle (le bétail), or a herd (un troupeau de bovins).
- We often stand in a pasture (pâturage) and like grazing (to graze : brouter).
- The cow moos or
- lows
- To moo, to low : meugler
Moo ! : Meuh ! |
- A sheep (pluriel sheep) : un mouton
- A lamb : un agneau
A ewe : une brebis
- A goat : une chèvre
A billy-goat : un bouc
- When gathered together, we sheep constitute a flock (un troupeau).
- The flock is looked after by a shepherd (un berger).
- I have a beautiful fleece (toison) which the shepherd shears (shear / sheared / shorn : tondre) every year.
- With the milk the goat and the ewe give, man makes delicious cheese.
- The sheep bleats
- To bleat : bêler
- Baa ! : Bêê !
- A horse : un cheval
- A mare : une jument
- A colt : un poulain
- Men like to ride on my back.
- I can be a racehorse (cheval de course) and make competitions or a draughthorse (cheval de trait) and work in a farm.
- I live in a stable (écurie).
- I have a thick mane (crinière).
- An ass, a donkey : un âne
- A mule : une mule
- The ass or donkey, or the mule are said to be stubborn (têtu).
- The horse neighs
- To neigh : hennir
- To bray : braire
- Heehaw!:Hi han!

- A pig : un cochon (américain : a hog)
- A sow : une truie
- A piglet : un porcelet
- Pigs live in a pigsty (porcherie).
- Pigs are voracious animals.
- The sow suckles (To suckle : allaiter) its litter of piglets (portée de porcelets).
- The pig grunts
- To grunt: grogner