- What do I look like
- What do I do in everyday life
- What language do I speak
- Felines - Big Cats :
- Les félins - Les fauves
- A lion : un lion
- A lioness : une lionne
- A lion cub : un lionceau
- The lion is said to be the King of the Jungle.
- The lion likes to sleep and the lioness hunts (to hunt : chasser) to feed (to feed : nourir) her lion cubs.
- A tiger : un tigre
A cheetah : un Guépard |
- A cougar : un couguar
- A panther : une panthère
- Big cats or felines generally live in the savannah, but you can also see them in the zoos.
- The lion roars
- To roar : rugir
- The tiger growls
- To growl : Feuler
- Apes - Monkeys :
- Les singes
- A monkey : un singe
- A female monkey :une guenon
- An ape : un grand singe
- Monkeys and apes live in the jungle or the savannah, but you can see them as well in the zoos.
- Monkeys and apes like eating bananas and swaying (to sway : se balancer) in the trees.
- A gorilla : un gorille
- A chimpanzee :un chimpanzé
- A marmoset : un ouistiti
The monkey chatters : le singe crie |
- Cervidae - Deer family :
- Les cervidés
- A caribou : un caribou
- An elk : un élan (Europe/Asie) - un wapiti (US)
- A moose : un élan (Europe) - un orignal (Canada)
- A reindeer : un renne
- A doe : une biche
- A stag : un cerf
- A fawn : un faon
- An antelope : une antilope
- A (fallow) deer : un daim
- Deer are mammals (a mammal : un mammifère) that belong to the family Cervidae.
- There are many species in the deer family.
- Some deer species are social, but others are solitary.
- You can often see them in the zoos or parks.
- Some of them live in Arctic regions. Deer are herbivores.
- The stag bells
- To bell : Bramer
- The ungulates or
- hoofed mammals :
- Les ongulés
- A zebra : un zèbre
A rhinoceros : un rhinocéros
A wild boar : un sanglier
- A giraffe : une girafe
- An hippopotamus : un hippopotame
- An elephant : Un éléphant (Indian / African)
- A camel : un chameau
- A dromedary : un dromadaire
- Ungulates, or hoofed mammals (Hooves are enlarged claws on the toes), comprise one of the most successful and diverse groups of large mammals alive today, having colonized nearly every habitat on all continents except Antarctica and Australia.
- All ungulates are mammals.
- Ursidae :
- Les ursidés
- A bear : un ours
- A polar bear : un ours polaire
- There are several species of bears :
- The polar bear, the Grizzly, the black bear...
- Bears are said to love eating honey.
- A panda : un panda
- The panda generally lives in Asia.
- He eats the bamboos of the heavy chinese forests, and likes climbing on the trees.
- The bear growls
- To growl:Grogner
- Marsupials :
- Les marsupiaux
- A koala (bear) : un koala
- The koala doesn't drink but eats eucalyptus leaves
- (a leaf - pl : leaves : feuille).
- It is the only mammal to eat eucalyptus, the latter being poison for the other animals.
- The koala lives in the trees and goes down the tree only to change tree.
- A kangaroo : un kangourou
- The kangaroo does not walk but hops.
- (to hop : faire des bonds).
- An adult male is called a buck, boomer or jack.
- An adult female is called a doe, flyer, roo, or jill.
- A baby is called a joey.
- A group of roos is called a mob.
- Females have a pouch (une poche) in which the babies live and drink milk.
- The koala and the kangaroo both are marsupials which live in Australia.
A wallaby : un wallaby |
- Reptiles and amphibians : Les reptiles et les amphibiens
- An alligator : un alligator
- A crocodile : un crocodile
- A snake : un serpent
A lizard : un lézard
- A frog : une grenouille
- A cayman : un caiman
- A toad : un crapaud
- A tortoise / A turtle : une tortue
- An iguana : un iguane
- A chameleon : un caméléon
- Amphibians are vertebrates that spend part of their lives under water (breathing with gills (branchies)) and the remainder on land (breathing with lungs (poumons)).
- Amphibians are cold-blooded (à sang froid).
- Their body temperature depends on the temperature of their environment.
- Reptiles (meaning "to creep"(ramper)) are a group of animals that have scales (écailles) (or modified scales), breathe air, and usually lay eggs.

- An ostrich : une autruche
- The ostrich is the largest and heaviest bird.
- It is also the fastest-running bird. Ostriches cannot fly.

- A wolf - Plural : wolves : un loup
- A wolf cub : un louveteau
- A she-wolf : une louve
- Wolves are carnivorous (meat-eating) mammals.
- These fast-moving animals have keen senses, with an exceptionally good sense of smell.
- They have powerful jaws and sharp teeth.
- The wolf howls
- To howl : hurler